
the thing about love ,,

| martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008


love comes in many forms ,,

either it's the love of a man for his faithful wife ,,
or the love of an old woman for her rocking chair ,,
or the love of a mother for her kid's laugh ,,
or the love of a boy for his new racing car ,,
or the love of a bird for it's nest ,,
or the love of a sister for her caring and helping brother ,,
or the love of a girl for her sister , cousin and best friend ,,
or the love of a hacker for his laptop ,,
or the love of a student for his bed in the morning of a school day ,,

and remember ppl ,,
u don't need a day to celebrate the things u love .. coz ur heart celebrates them with every beat !!

p.s : sorry guys i've changed the title and the description .. coz i don't believe in valentine's day ,,
i'm not sure y did i do it at the first place !! ,,
so now i changed my mind .. SORRY AGAIN !! :$

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